BELIEVING: In unity, being the solid front to build a strong, service
oriented, self-sustaining labour union/organization through the
management of viable subscribing shop branches at all levels;
BELIEVING: In solidarity, to achieve a dynamic employment
environment facilitating the enactment and enforcement of acceptable
labour laws/standards and employment policies for sustainable human
and trade Union rights of all scientists, researchers and the allied
workforce in Uganda.
WHEREAS; It is constitutional right and necessary that a workforce has
full freedom of association and a right to belong to a Labour Union of
his/her choice as enshrined in the Uganda Constitution of 1995 (as
amended) article 29 (1) (e), article 40 (3) and 1948 article 2 ILO
Convention 87 to protect and to promote his/her human and trade Union
rights and he/she shall be free from interference, restraint, intimidation,
or coercion from employers or his/her agents;
WHEREAS; The organization of workers into labour Unions has been
demonstrated to be and is essential to economic, social and political
freedom of society and to the successful functioning of democracy to
ensure that workers shall live and work without discrimination or
exploitation as further enshrined in ILO Convention 98 and;
WHEREAS; the natural right of those who labour is to enjoy to the
fullest extent the fruits of their labour and since it is impossible to obtain
to the full reward of labour except by uniting in the labour Union
established upon its sound principles.
We declare our solidarity and unity under the Uganda Scientists,
Researchers and Allied Workers’ Union, and its activities shall be governed
by this Constitution, in which the term “USRAWU” shall be understood to
mean the Uganda Scientists, Researchers and Allied Workers’ Union.
In this Constitution, the following definition shall guide, unless the context
shall otherwise admit;
“Labour Union” means a labour Union registered under the labour unions
Act, 2006;
“Employee” means any person who has entered into a contract of service or
an apprenticeship contract, including without limitation, any person who is
employed by or for the Government of Uganda, including the Uganda Public
Service, a local authority or a parastatal organization but excludes a number
of the Uganda Peoples’ Defence Forces as per the Constitution of the Republic
of Uganda 1995 (as amended).
“Casual Employee” means a person who works on a daily or hourly basis
where payment of wages is due at the completion of work as per employment
“Union Members” means a member of a Labour Union or other organization
representative of the interests of workers;
“Employer” means any person or group of person, including a company or
corporation, a public, regional or local authority, a governing body of an
unincorporated association, a partnership, parastatal organization or other
institution or organization whatsoever, for whom an employee works or has
worked, or normally worked or sought to work, under a contract of service,
and includes the successors, assignees and transferors of any person or group
of persons for whom an employee works, has worked or normally works:
“Strike” mean the go slow or the sit down by a body of person employed and
acting in combination, or a concerted refusal or a refusal under a common
understanding, of any number of persons employed to continue to work for an
employer in consequence of a dispute, done as means of compelling the
employer, or to aid to other employees, to accept or not to accept terms or
conditions affecting the employee;
“Contract of Service” means any contract, whether oral or in writing,
whether express or implied, where a person agrees in return for
remuneration, to work for an employer and includes a contract of
“Light work” means work that is not physically, mentally, socially injurious
to the child;
“Recruitment” includes all operations undertaken with the object of
obtaining or supplying the labour of persons who do not continuously offer
their services at the place of employment;
“Termination of Employment” means the discharge of an employee from
an employment at the initiative of the employer for justifiable reasons other
than misconduct, such as, expiry of contract, attainment of retirement age,
“Dismissal from Employment” means the discharge of an employee from
employment at the initiative of his/her employer when the said employee has
committed verifiable misconduct;
“Forced and Compulsory Labour” means all work or service which is
extracted from any person under the threat of a penalty, including the threat
of any loss of rights or privileges and for which that person has not offered
himself or herself voluntarily;
“Labour Officer” means the Commissioner or a District labour officer;
“Industrial Court” means the industrial court established by the Trade
Disputes (Arbitration and Settlement) Act, 2006
“Public Service” means service by or for the Government of Uganda and
include persons employed in the public service, parastatal organizations and
local authorities, but does not include a member of the Uganda Peoples’
Defence Forces;
“Calendar year” shall mean the Gregorian calendar year as from 1st
January to 31st December
“Financial year” shall mean the period between 1st January to 31st
“Membership fee” shall mean the amount of money paid on the entry as
entry fee and the subsequent monthly subscriptions or contributions.
“USRAWU” shall mean the Uganda Scientists, Researchers and Allied
Workers Union.
“Officer” shall mean an appointed office bearer of USRAWU.
“Official” shall mean an elected office bearer of USRAWU.
The Labour Union Constituted by those rules shall be known as “The Uganda
Scientists, Researchers and Allied workers’ Union” hereinafter referred to as
“The Union” or (USRAWU).
The Registered Head office of the Union shall be located at Kampala or any
other place determined by the National Executive Committee and the
Quinquennial Delegate Conference (QDC). The Union office shall be the place
for conducting the business of the Union.
To promote, protect and uphold the dignity, morale, efficiency and the
good name of the Uganda Scientists and Researchers at all times.
To promote the interest, rights, powers and privileges of those persons
engaged in the science and research work for both the Government and
in the private sectors in Uganda; to provide their status, to assert,
enforce and defend or to assist in asserting, enforcing and defending
rights of such a person aforesaid as a group.
To co-operate and or affiliate to or be affiliated with other similar
organizations within and outside Uganda including the National Labour
Centre with a view of common, uniform or joint actions and functions on
matters of common interest whenever necessary or desirable.
To ensure that scientists and researchers are made aware of impending
changes and to ensure that Government takes into consideration the
views of scientists and researchers as expressed by the Union on their
To provide a machinery for negotiation with the Government and/ or
employers in the private sector, with a view to obtaining just and proper
rates of wages, salaries , allowances, working hours, training facilities,
promotions, advancements and other conditions of service and to promote
the settlement of disputes arising between employees and the employers
of the Government or private employers and vice versa by reconciliation,
arbitration or otherwise and generally to safeguard the interest of
members of the Union including the right to strike as necessary and any
other rights as per laws established.
To provide a forum of mutual dialogue, co-operation, assistance and
friendship among the scientists, researchers and the related staff as they
perform their duties.
To protect, promote and defend the peculiar values, interest and the
arising problems faced by the sector professionals, women and other
disadvantaged groups and their support staff.
To acquire either by purchase, lease or otherwise and movable or
immovable properties or other assets and sale, let or mortgage or change
or otherwise assets with or dispose off such movable properties belonging
to the Union.
To carry out all such lawful things as are incidental or co-ducive to the
attainment of the above objectives or any of them.
The Union shall form branches and they will carry out such activities as
mentioned by this Constitution.
- The eligible member of the Union irrespective of race, creed, colour, sex
or profession shall be any person working in the science and research
fields and/or sectors both in the public and private sectors.
- However, the National Executive Committee of the Union may at its
discretion allow a member to retain his membership of the Union not
withstanding a change of appointment subsequent to his original
- Application for membership shall be made on the Union’s prescribed
application and/or Declaration Form and shall be submitted to the
office of the General Secretary for consideration.
- Upon admission to membership, the member shall be bound by this
constitution and rules, resolutions and decisions of the National
Executive Committee and the Delegate conference and other relevant
organs of the Union.
- Rights and privileges of each member shall be person to holder and
shall not be transferable by his/her own act or by operation of law and
every person admitted to the Union shall be deemed to belong thereto,
until his/her name shall have been removed from the register of
members for a reasonable cause, or up to end of the year in which
he/she resigns.
- Every member shall be entitled to his/her right to a secret ballot in
taking decisions on any matter of the Union.
- Any member may resign on giving one month’s written notice to the
General Secretary who shall upon receipt of such a notice investigate
the cause and if satisfied, shall notify the employer to stop Union dues
deduction of that member. Prior to such notice, the member shall pay
any outstanding subscription and other liabilities due from him/her.
- Any member who loses his qualifications for membership as
prescribed by this Constitution, or who is guilty of misconduct which
prejudicially affects the welfare/well being of the Union, may be
required to resign his/her membership by the votes of the majority the
members of the National Executive Committee present at its sitting
- Any such member so called upon to resign shall have the right to
appeal to next annual or special delegates’ conference, the decision of
which shall be final.
- If notice of appeal is not given in written to the General Secretary
within one month from the date of receipt of the notification of the
decision of the National Executive Committee (NEC), then the National
Executive Committee shall have power to remove the member’s name
from the register and such a member shall forfeit all claim(s) upon the
funds or property of the Union.
- Upon a requisition in writing of not less than ten members, other
than the members of the National Executive Committee, the committee
shall at its next sitting consider resolve any charge or matter which may
be brought against any member with a view to taking action under this
article, provided that notification thereof has been given on the notice
within 14 days at the sitting of the National Executive Committee.
- Any member shall cease to belong to the Union in the event of his
or her annual subscriptions being in the arrears without justifiable
grounds or reasons for three months from the date the arrears become
payable. The National Executive Committee may in special cases
suspend the operations of this Article
- Every eligible person shall be required to pay a non–refundable
membership fee to be determined by the delegate conference on
applications for membership. Once registered, he/she shall be required
to contribute a monthly subscription fee of 2% of his/her monthly gross
salary to the Union as per the Labour Unions Act, 2006. There shall be
a percentage of (20%) remitted to the branch upon its monthly
Under no circumstances shall any membership fee or subscriptions
paid to the Union be refunded.
- The National Executive Committee’s power shall be vested in the
Quinquennial Delegates Conference hereinafter referred to as the
“QDC” which shall have vested authority to determine policy direction
of the Union.
- The Quinquennial Delegates Conference shall have power to alter,
amend, rescind or add anything in this constitution and or other rules
made under the provisions of this constitution
- The Quinquennial Delegates Conference shall be called at a time and
in such a way as to ensure the maximum attendance and participation
of the members of the Union, with due regard to financial
considerations and length of the conference. Any case at least once
- ) The National Executive Council shall submit to Quinquennial
Delegates Conference reports, financial statements, auditors’ reports
and amendments or proposed amendments to this Constitution and
the rules made thereunder.
- The Quinquennial Delegates Conference shall be held every five years
on expiry of the term of office of the National Executive Council. The
Quinquennial Delegates Conference shall review the work of the NEC
and determine the general policy of the Union for the ending period
and shall give all necessary and appropriate direction and authority to
the NEC for carrying out of the conference decisions.
- The Quinquennial Delegates Conference shall have powers to expel,
suspend, and terminate any official or member from office or from
membership or from entitlement to any benefits provided for in this
Constitution and or as per settlement mechanisms in force.
- The venue for Quinquennial and or annual Delegates Conference shall
be decided by the NEC.
- The Quinquennial Delegates Conference shall have power to fill any
vacancy and to elect National office bearers
- The annual Delegates Conference of the Union shall be the supreme
authority of the Union.
- The annual Delegates Conference shall be held at least once every year
not later than three months from the dairy of the Union’s financial year
at such a time and place as may be decided upon by the National
Executive Committee.
- The annual Delegates Conference shall be convened by the General
Secretary by giving 30 days notice in writing to branches of the Union
with the Agenda.
- Annual Delegates Conference shall consist of the members of the
National Executive Committee, delegates from branches and Trustee
board who should be paid up.
- Every branch of the Union shall be entitled to send to the Annual
Delegates Conference 100 members and/or as may be determined from
time to time by the NEC.
- Notice of motions for the Annual Delegates Conference shall be
circulated by the General Secretary 14 days before the date of the
meeting. The final Agenda for the Conference will be circulated by the
General Secretary at the beginning of the conference.
- The quorum of the Annual Delegates Conference shall be 1/3 of the
registered branches eligible to vote and be voted for and being paid up
- A Special Delegates Conference shall be convened by the General
Secretary on the directives of the National Executive Committee or at
a written request of not less than 2/3 of the fully paid up members of
the Union branches of whom shall be required to sign each requisition
provided that the maximum number of the Delegates Conference shall
not exceed two in any calendar year from the date of the previous
annual Delegates Conference.
- A Special Delegates Conference shall have all powers of an Annual
Delegates Conference and it shall be governed by the same rules as to
its composition, quorum and procedure.
- If for any reason, the General Secretary, upon receipt of such request
fails to convene a special Delegates Conference within 30 days the
members requesting such a conference shall have the right to request
NEC to convene the conference.
- The National Executive Committee shall be collectively responsible for
the management of the affairs of the Union.
- The National Executive Committee shall consist of;- The National
Chairperson, The National Vice Chairperson; The General Secretary;
The Deputy General Secretary; The National Treasurer; The Assistant
National Treasurer; The National Organizing Secretary for
recruitment of members; The National Secretary for Education,
Training and Research, The Program officer, The Secretary for public
relations, Dispute/Grievance; The National Women Leader; The
Secretary For youth Affairs; Four National Committee Members and
three National Trustee.
- The National Executive Committee shall meet at least Six times in a
- Between the Delegates’ Conferences, all decisions of the National
Executive Committee made shall be binding on the Union and on each
of its officials, officers and members.
- All acts done by any meeting of the National Executive Committee or
by any member of the National Executive Committee in pursuance of
the Union objectives shall notwithstanding that it be afterwards
discovered that there was some defect in the appointment or election of
the National Executive Committee or any of its members, that they or
anyone of them were disqualified be as valid as if the National
Executive Committee or member who had been duly appointed or
elected and was qualified to act as such.
- The quorum for the National Executive Committee shall be at least
2/3 of all its members.
- Between the Delegates Conference, the National Executive Committee
shall interpret the rules and articles of the Constitution where the
Constitution is silent and such interpretation will be bidding.
- Any post that falls vacant at the National Executive Committee caused
by the death, resignation, expulsion or transfer of a member shall be
filled by the remaining members of the NEC pending confirmation by
the Annual Delegates Conference.
- The National Executive Committee shall consult the board of Trustees
to appoint such other committees or sub – committees as may be
considered necessary.
- Any member of the National Executive Committee shall Vacate his/her
seat on the committee if he/she absent three consecutive meetings of
the committee without National Chairman’s permission from the.
- The NEC shall have the powers to determine the specific duties and
mode of day to day operations of officers not specifically provided for in
the constitution.
- The National office bearers shall be elected after a term of five years by
secret ballot at the Quinquennial Delegates Conference (QDC).
- Only such members of the Union not in arrears with their
subscriptions as stipulated in Article 4 above shall be eligible for
election to serve the Union
- Every National Office holder of the Union shall vacate his/her office at
the fifth Annual Delegates Conference or Quinquennial Delegates
Conference to which he/she was elected but shall be eligible for re–
- The General Secretary shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the
Union and the Chief spokesman at the Conferences and meetings
subject to the instructions of the National Executive Committee.
He/She shall be responsible for the Union’s property, Staff and records.
He/She shall always ensure that the constitution, rules and
regulations are adhered to by the members and organs of the Union.
He/She shall serve either on full time basis or on honorary basis and
on such terms and conditions of service as the National Executive
Committee may decide subject to approval by the Delegates conference.
He/She shall be responsible for the efficient conduct of the secretariat
of the Union.
- Any National office holder of the Union may be suspended from the
office by majority decision of the National Executive Committee subject
to the approval by the next Delegates Conference.
- In the event of more than five National office holder of the Union
dying, resigning, being dismissed or otherwise ceasing to be National
Office holders during the period between two Annual Delegates
Conference, special Delegates Conference in accordance with the
provisions of Articles 8 above shall be convened to elect new office
holders to fill the vacancies.
1. The National Chairperson
The National Chairperson shall be elected by secret ballot at the
Quinquennial Delegates Conference of the Union, from amongst the
Delegates, and his/her term of office shall be five years and also will be
eligible for re- election
- He/she must have been a member of the union for at least 5 years in
active leadership at any level of Union administration at or above the
branch level or have been employed by Union in an elective office for at
least 5 years.
- He/she shall have qualifications of at least A’ level or its equivalent.
- He/she shall chair National Conferences and NEC meetings and at the
meetings he/she shall have a casting vote.
- He/she may be called upon to support the representation of the union
positions in branches and any other level/organ.
- He/she shall ensure the efficient functioning of NEC meetings and
committees by ensuring that the Agendas are circulated in advance of
meetings, that venues are booked.
- He/she shall ensure that the Union operates according to its policies
and constitution and shall protect the interest of the Union and shall
have powers to convene a meeting of the NEC and, or National
Conference upon being requested by 2/3 of the membership of NEC, to
consider the matter at hand in accordance with the provisions of the
- He/she shall be responsible for the proper conduct of the business on
all occasion and shall sign the minutes together with the General
Secretary at the time they are approved and shall in conjunction with
the General Secretary, the National Treasurer or any other Officer
authorized by the NEC sign Cheques and other financial documents.
- Shall be one of the signatories to Bank Accounts.
- The National Chairperson shall monitor the effective of the NEC and
committees and make recommendations for improvement.
- The National Chairperson shall attend where requested by the NEC
negotiations with outside bodies or with branches.
- He/she shall represent the Union as and when appropriate.
2: National Vice – Chairperson
The Vice National Chairperson, he/she shall be elected by secret ballot from
amongst the Delegates of the National Conference for five year term, and
shall be eligible for re- election.
He/she must have been a member of the Union for the last three years
in active leadership at recognized level or must have been employed by
the Union for at least three years.
The National vice Chairperson shall deputize the National
Chairperson in all functions as and when required and shall carry out
his duties in accordance with the constitution.
Shall where necessary accompany the National Chairperson on official
3: Board of Trustees:
There shall be board of Trustees consisting of three founder members of the
Union these three Trustees shall be elected at the Quinqeunnial Delegates
Congress every after Five (5) years and approved by the registrar of Labour
Unions. No Trustee apart from the bank shall be eligible for election to office
unless he/she have been a member of the Union.
- Four members of the Executive committee shall be incorporated to the
Trustee Board in meetings.
- A Trustee may be removed from office if in the opinion of the founder
members; on ground of misconduct. He/She shall however, have the
right to appeal to the next Delegate Conference against the decision.
- A Trustee shall where the NEC deems it fit be one of the signatories of
the Union Account on behalf of the Union.
- Shall chair meetings in the absence of the chair person and Vice
4: Council Members:
During the Quinquennial Delegates Conference (QDC), there shall be elected
8 council members whose terms of reference shall from time to time be
determined by the NEC.
- Council members shall help to coordinate activities of the Union in
their respective branches and the regions under the Union’ jurisdiction.
- Council members shall conduct their General business in accordance
with the NEC roles and obligations as approved under Article 6 and 4 of
this Constitution.
5: Appointed Officers of the Union:
- The officers provided for under this Article, shall be management
under the General Secretary appointed on full time basis on such
terms and conditions of service as the board of Trustee may determine.
6: The General Secretary
- The General Secretary shall be elected by the Quinquennial Delegates
Conference on the full time basis where terms and conditions of service
are well defined by the NEC with the approval of the QDC.
- The General Secretary must have been an active Trade Unionists for a
period of not less than ten years, and in addition must be person with
integrity and sound knowledge of Trade Unionism and shall have been
in the active Union leadership at a senior administrative level above
the Branch.
- The General Secretary shall be the Chief Executive officer of the Union
and shall be a full time officer.
- The General Secretary shall have the right to attend and speak at
Congresses of the Union, NEC, group Conferences, Regional Councils
and Branch Meetings.
- The General Secretary shall be the principle signatory to all Accounts
of the Union and have duties, rights and powers and responsibilities
commensurate with the post of the principle accounting officer for the
Union and shall be responsible for all Union affairs, staff and
- The General Secretary shall act under the directive of NEC and shall
be the Chief spokesperson of the Union at the Conferences and
meetings of relevant organs of the Union.
- The General Secretary shall handle all correspondences and transact
the day to day business of the Union in accordance with the rules and
provisions of the QDC, ADC and NEC
- He/ she shall be in charge and shall supervise the paid officials of the
Union and his remuneration shall be fixed by the NEC.
- Shall be the official spokesperson of the Union and in conjunction with
the National Chairperson, shall be responsible for issuing statements
on behalf of the Union.
- He/She shall be in charge of the General administration and affairs of
the Union.
- He/She shall coordinate and supervise the operation of the Secretariat
and shall chair staff management meetings at the Secretariat.
- He/She shall prepare organizational report to relevant organs of the
- He/She shall convene the QDC, ADC, NEC and National Secretariat
meetings to discuss the Union affairs with the view of taking decisions.
He/ She shall propose to the NEC for recruitment of other Union
officials below and draw a proposal of engaging staff at salaries and
allowances as shall be determined by National Executive Council
- Education, Training and Research officer
- Support Staff
- Economic and Development officer
- Program Officer
7: Other Officials will include:-
- Occupational Safety and Health
- Legal Officer/Advisor
- Public Relations and editorial officer
- Finance Administrator
- External Relations Coordinator
8: Deputy General Secretary
The Deputy General Secretary shall be elected by secret ballot by the
Quinquennial Delegates Conference for a five (5) year term of office and shall
be eligible for re–election and may be a full time officer, and his/her
remuneration shall be fixed by the NEC.
- He/She must have been a member of the Union for at least three years
and above in active leadership at the recognized level of the Union
branches or must have been employed by the Union in an elective office
for at three years and must be a person with integrity.
- He/ She shall be a senior officer of the Union and shall deputize the
General Secretary in the management of the day to day business of the
- He/She shall be directly responsible to the General Secretary and act as
General Secretary on his/her instructions or in the absence or
unavailability of the General Secretary.
- He/She shall work hand in hand with the General Secretary to coordinate Union affairs in branches and regions; shall be a senior
supervisor of the Union activities in accordance with this Constitution.
9: National Treasurer
- He/She shall be a part time Official elected by the Quinquennial
Delegates Conference from amongst the delegates for a five year term
of office and shall be eligible for re–election.
- He/She shall initiate activities or programs for income generating
activities and shall be paid allowances to be determined by the NEC
from time to time
- He/She shall be the Chief Finance officer of the Union and custodian of
relevant financial documents and shall be responsible for all moneys
received by the Union.
- The National Treasurer shall ensure that the Union’s finances are
accounted for and managed in accordance with this Constitution and
other law in force affecting the labour Union.
- He/She shall convene regular meetings of the finance committee to
asses and monitor performance and to make relevant
recommendations to the NEC.
- He/She shall ensure that all payments made by the Union and all
expenditures incurred are in accordance with approved budget by
- The National Treasurer shall ensure that Region Councils and
branches operate financial systems in conformity with Unions financial
regulations and standards.
- The National Treasure shall liaise closely with the Secretariat of the
Union to assist in ensuring that the National office operates the most
efficient subscription collection system is effective and other fund
donations to the Union is properly.
- The Treasurer shall advise the NEC and National conference on the
best use, investment and accounting of the Union funds.
10: The Deputy Treasurer
- Shall be elected from amongst the delegates at the National
Conference for a five year term of office by secret ballot.
- He/She shall deputize the National Treasurer or act as National
Treasurer on his/her instructions.
11: The National Secretary for Women, Youth and PWDs Affairs
- There shall be Women committees, Youth Committees and PWDs
Committees established from union branches to National level.
- The Secretary Women, Youth and PWDs Affairs shall be elected from
amongst the delegates for a five years term at the National Delegates
Conference and shall be eligible for re–election.
- Shall ensure support for Women, youth and PWD members in
representing their case through branch committees according to the
Constitution and its arrangement with the National Labour Union
Center, and shall promote gender mainstreaming in all Union
- Shall monitor policies and practice regarding gender equality and shall
promote effective dissemination of information, facilitate the
development of new ideas, policies and practices regarding Women,
Youth and PWD affairs and their representation.
- Shall promote the interest and support the work of Women, Youth and
PWD committees in relation to the Union as a whole and work towards
networking with Women, Youth and PWDs organizations.
- Shall examine the restrictions and constraints that Women, Youth and
PWD workers encounter in every day life and effect change where
necessary for the benefit of the Women, Youth and PWDs of the folk
within the Union.
- Shall organize the Women committee to act as an effective pressure
group on the behalf of the Women folk where necessary and to promote
interest of the Unionized Women.
- Shall liaise with the National organizing and Education Secretary
over recruitment, education and training of Women workers, and shall
assist the National organizing and Education Secretary in ensuring
that appropriate training is delivered through out the USRAWU Union
Women workers.
- Shall produce appropriate policy paper as and when required and shall
advise Women committees and individuals, by referring their
grievances to the appropriate organ of the Union.
- Shall ensure that the Women Committee meets as appropriate and
that records on Women affairs are properly kept and shall also ensure
that reports are given to the General Secretary, on the progress of the
committees, for consideration by the NEC
- Shall take instruction and directives from the General Secretary in the
execution of her powers and duties as provided under this
- Any other duties a signed from time to time by NEC.
12: Secretary for Organizing, Recruitment of Members
- He/She shall be a part time official, elected by the Quinquennial
Delegates Conference from amongst the Delegates for a five year term
of office and shall be eligible for re–election.
- He/She must have been a member of the Union for at least three years
in the active leadership at recognized level and as shop stewards from
Union branches.
- Shall be the in charge of mobilization and recruiting of members.
- He/she shall work in collaboration with the Secretary for Education,
Training and Research and the General Secretary.
- The organizing and recruitment officer must have got at least the
knowledge of Trade Union through regular training to equip
himself/herself with the facts about his/her Union organization and
also to be able to interpret those facts well to potential members who
may wish to join the Union
13: Secretary for Education, Training and Research
- The Secretary for Education, Training and Research shall be elected by
secret ballot by the Quinquennial Delegates Conference for a five (5)
year term of office and shall be eligible for re–election.
- He/She shall be a senior officer in charge of education, Training and
research in the Union.
- He/She must have been a member of the Union for at least three to
five years in active leadership at any level of the Union with a
minimum qualification of Degree or Diploma in the related fields of
- He/she shall work in collaboration with the Secretary for recruitment
and the General Secretary.
- The National Secretary for Education, Training and Research shall
carry out field operations for the Union.
- He/She shall report to the General Secretary.
14. Legal Officer/Advisor
- ) He/she shall be appointed or recruited by NEC and Trustee board and
shall have a minimum qualification of a degree, diploma in law
practice or advocate.
- He/she shall advise the Union on legal matters and shall handle all
cases of Union members who have been affected in all forms.
- He/she shall be responsible officer for all national and international
legal matters in whatever form and shall be knowledgeable to interpret
laws and related ILO Conventions i.e. the National Constitution,
Labour Unions Acts, Employment Acts, Labour disputes arbitration
and settlement Act, Occupational Safety and Health Act, the workers
compensation Act with statutory instruments, etc.
15: Program Officer
- He/she shall be appointed/recruited by NEC and shall have a
minimum qualification of a degree and above in the related field.
- He/she shall prepare programs of workshops and training of members
for the union.
- He/she shall be responsible officer for all national and International
programs in the union.
- He/She shall be paid a salary and allowances under he/her contract
determined by the National Executive Committee
- He/She shall report to the General Secretary.
16: Secretary for Dispute and Grievances/Publication & Editorial
- The Annual Delegates Conference shall elect a mature person
knowledgeable with Trade Unions/Labour movement and grievance
handling in the union.
- He/She shall be responsible for handling and settling grievances in the
Union structures at both National and international levels.
- He/She shall be a part time Official, elected by the Quinquennial
Delegates Conference from amongst the Delegates for a five term of
office and shall be eligible for re–election by secret ballot.
- Shall handle all disputes and grievances and report to the General
Secretary for further action of which he/she shall refer such cases to
legal officer for advise.
- The Secretary for disputes and grievances must have been employed
in the public service for at least a maximum of five years, with a
minimum qualification at least a Diploma and above from a recognized
Institution in the related field and shall liaise with the General
Secretary for consideration, reports to the National Executive Council.
- Shall coordinate all related matters as above to the Union organ from
branch and region levels.
17: National Secretary for Youth Affairs
- There shall be youth committee established from shops branches to
National level and the chairperson at each level shall be the Youth
leader. The Secretary for Youth Affairs shall be the National Youth
- The Secretary Youth Affairs shall be elected from amongst the
Delegates for a five year term at the National Delegates Conference
and shall be eligible for re–election.
- Shall ensure support for Youth members in representing their cases
through Branch committees in accordance with the Union Constitution
in line with the National Labour Union Center, and shall link and
source youth projects from both Local and International levels.
- Shall monitor policies and practice regarding Youth activities and
shall promote effective dissemination of information, facilitate the
development of new Ideas, policies and practice in regard to Youth
affairs and their representation.
- Shall promote the interest and support to the youth committees in
relation to the Union as a whole and work towards the creation of
National youth Networks.
- Shall examine the restrictions and constraints that youth encounter in
every day life and effect change where necessary for the benefit of the
- Shall organize the youth committees to act as an effective pressure
group on the behalf of the youth folk where necessary and in the
interest of the Union.
- Shall liaise with the National organizing Secretary, mobilization and
recruitment over recruitment and also liaise with the Secretary for
education, training and research for training of Youth workers, and
shall assist the National organizing educational Secretary in ensuring
that appropriate training is delivered through out the Union.
- Shall produce appropriate policy paper as and when required and
shall advise Youth committees and individuals, by referring their
grievances to appropriate organ of the Union.
- Shall ensure that the Youth committees meet as appropriate and that
records on Youth affairs are properly kept and also ensure that reports
are given to the General Secretary, on the progress of the committees,
for consideration by the NEC.
- Shall take instructions and directives from the General Secretary in
the Execution of he/ her powers and duties as provided under this
18: Trustees
- The Annual Delegates Conference shall elect three mature persons of
high integrity as Trustees in who shall jointly be vested all the
property of the Union.
- Whenever a vacancy shall occur between two Annual Delegates
- In the office of a Trustee by reason of death, resignation or absence
from the country, the National Executive Committee shall nominate
another person to fill such a vacancy. The person nominated to fill such
a vacancy shall be subject to the approval of the next Annual Delegates
Conference or Special Delegates Conference whichever is earlier.
19: Employees
The National Executive Committee may engage such employees as it may
from time to time deem fit and shall determine their remunerations and
terms and conditions of service.
- The Union may establish Branches throughout the Country in its area
of jurisdiction and both in the public and private sector of employment.
- Any branch shall be named or called “The Uganda Scientists,
Researchers and Allied Workers’ Union Branch” or USRAWU Branch.
- The objectives and operations of a branch of the Union shall be the
same as those of the Union.
- Every branch of the Union shall have a Branch Executive Committee
(BEC) consisting of a Branch Chairperson (Chief Shop steward), a
deputy Chairperson, a Branch Secretary, a Branch Treasurer, a
Branch Women Leader and two members. There may also be other
Branch Shop stewards depending on the size of the branch as shall be
determined by the General Secretary.
- The Branch Executive Committee shall be elected at an Annual
General Meeting of the members of the branch and shall hold office for
Two years and upon the expiry of such period, any member of the
retiring branch Executive Committee shall be eligible for re – election.
The election shall be by secret ballot and/or as may be determined by
the members at the meeting.
- Meeting of the Branch Executive Committee shall be held at least
once in every two Months.
- The Annual General Meetings of branches shall be held not later than
a Month from the end of the Union’s financial year.
- Special General Meetings of Branches may be held at such time as
may be considered necessary by the Branch Executive Committee and
shall also be held on the request in writing to the General Secretary by
the branch leaders indicating the reason for the request.
The Union will derive its funds from collection of membership Registration
fee, Monthly subscriptions and may also receive Grants or subventions,
Donations, Gifts, Bequeaths and other Grants; miscellaneous funds i.e. from
sales of a sets, consultancy services, publications, special levies, fund –
raising activities, research, Science, Innovations and any other lawful means
such as borrowing, among others.
Financial Instructions
Without prejudice to generality of the foregoing provisions of these rules, the
funds of the Scientists, Researchers labour Union shall be handled in the
following manner;
Cash Book
1. Income
- The National Executive Committee shall cause a bank account (s) to be
opened and maintained in the names of the Union and shall ensure
that all funds belonging to the Union received by the National
Treasurer are paid into the said bank account(s) within 48 hours of
receipt of such money, provided that the National Treasurer shall be
permitted to retain a cash imprest which shall be determined by the
National Executive Committee to pay minor expenses.
- All Cheques for withdraws shall be signed by the National Treasurer
and the General Secretary or National Chairman and or any one of the
National Committee members as shall be determined by NEC.
- The Branch Treasurer shall be permitted to receive and account for
any cash imprest as shall from time to time be determined by the
National Executive Committee to pay minor expenses. This shall come
from the percentage due to the branch and other sources.
- ) Ordinary Branch expenditure shall be paid from the Union fund
requisitioned for, from the National Treasurer with the approval of
- The Union shall operate a separate bank account in case of any
contributory provident funds or pension fund scheme for the Union.
- A receipt in any prescribed form (which includes a carbon copy
duplicate) shall be given for every remittance of cash received from
whatever source and whatever purpose by USRAWU
- Books of printed receipt shall be serially numbered, shall be controlled
by the Union National Treasurer and shall be used in a strict
numerical sequence.
- Receipt books shall be issued on signatures to authorized person only
and the counter – foils of all issued receipts shall be surrendered to the
General Secretary on completion of each book and shall be held by him/
her until audited.
- Adequate arrangements shall be made for the collection and prompt
remittance of cash by any person authorized on behalf of the Union
National Treasurer to collect such cash.
- Cash collection shall be brought promptly to the account in the
relevant cash book and no money shall be spent on hand at any point,
which has not been entered.
- An official receipt shall be issued to the government Department or
firm concerned to cover the total cash remitted each month under the
“check–off” system. There shall be one cash book entry per remittance,
but remittance must be recorded in detail.
- Payments shall be made when due and shall be promptly in the cash
- A receipt must support every payment, invoice and/ or such documents
as may be required to support the amount paid out.
- Payments shall normally be made by cheque unless they are of such
small amount or of such a nature, e.g. wages, that payment in cash is
- The signatures of the receipts shall support all payments in cash
- Payment vouchers shall support payment of salaries and wages
- Rates of salaries and wages shall be agreed by the National Executive
Committee and recorded in the minutes of the meetings at which such
decisions are reached.
- Any other method determined by the NEC from time to time.
1. Cash book
- The cash book, in the form prescribed, shall be entered daily and
totaled and balanced monthly.
- Each receipt entry shall be supported by an official receipt whose
number shall be recorded in the relevant column.
- Each payment entry shall be supported by an original invoice (and/or)
supporting documents which shall be given a serial number starting
from 1st January of each year and progressing upwards throughout the
year. Such serial number shall be recorded in the relevant column.
- Receipts of cash (or checks until paid into the bank) shall be entered in
the cash column on receipts’ side of the cash book.
- Payment in cash shall be entered in the cash column on the payment
side of the cash book
- Money drawn by USRAWU from the Bank shall be recorded as a
control entry i.e. in the cash column on the receipts’ side of the cash
- Money paid into the Bank, whether in cash or by cheques or a mixture
of both, shall be entered in the Bank column on the payment side of
the cash book.
- If the Union National Treasurer does not write up the books of account
himself/herself, he/she shall personally check all cash books entries not
less than one Month and shall sign and date the cash book at the point
of check as evidence of having done so