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Register HereUSRAWU is dedicated to serving the best interests of its members. Members are entitled to a large range of legal and member services, such as help with personal injury claims, employment rights matters and many other issues, both inside and outside the workplace. You never know when you might need advice with a problem at work, so it’s good to know USRAWU is here to protect workers’ rights and equality in the workplace by negotiating with employers and government.
USRAWU is a member of the National Negotiating and Consultative Council.
We form consultative committees at places of work i.e. Districts, Ministries, Government, Parastatals tonegotiate for:
Better working terms and conditions for workers and Implementation of presidential pledges on science and inclusion of workers on all government programs.
Harmonious industrial relations, increased work productivity and Recruitment of members for a common voice.
Organize skilling sessions and sourcing of technology for members aimed at diversification of incomes.
Build capacity for unionized and non-unionized workers in business and financial management to access funding from financial institutions and the USRAWU workers SACCO.
Operating the workers SACCO: The union offers a 15% deduction of its funds and remits 40% to each labor center and 20% to non-affiliated workers for planning and enhancement of SACCO facilities.
Support members to fully participate in export led growth activities like; artifacts and intellectual property for export in the international market.
Built Partnership with development partners at local and international levels to address the challenges of workers.
USRAWU through Decent Work Agenda promotes adherence to workers standards at all places of work such as occupational health and safety, medical schemes, health insurance for all workers, lobby for minimum wage,collective bargaining agreements, and check off etc.
Affiliation to local and international bodies like Public Service International and Protection of Workers and Patent Rights
Recruitment of senior union personnel to carry out legal aid and represent a grieved worker in the industrial court and tribunals/panels,human resource development, mentoring, counselling, exit, stress management, games and sports
At USRAWU we advocate for all workers including special interest groups such as women and children.
We operationalize labor laws through supporting union members to access justice at industrial courts.
We also advocate for human rights for special interest groups. In case of women, we advocate for rights to maternity leave with pay, decent work environment for breast feeding mothers, rights to production assets like land. For the chase of children, we advocate for right of children to stay in school and pay attention in class.